Is your Vision Roadworthy?
a National Eye Health Week campaign highlighting motorists’ responsibility to ensure their vision is roadworthy
a National Eye Health Week campaign highlighting motorists’ responsibility to ensure their vision is roadworthy
The report calls for the adoption of ‘Primary Care at Scale’, the purpose of which is to extend the provision of health and care services within a community setting through an integrated, team-based approach.
February 2022 marked the 50th anniversary of the Conference of Ophthalmic Optician Representatives of Local Optical Committees resolving to establish a Central (Local Optical Committee) Fund. The Fund collected Voluntary levies through LOCs to support the task of co-ordinating the work and activities of local optical committees, and providing them with necessary help and guidance.…
Partnering with Eye Health UK to support National Eye Health Week 2021
A Grant for the Production and Delivery of a State of The Nation Report.
Partnering with Eye Health UK to support National Eye Health Week 2021
Partnering with VisionMatters to publish Vista, the Magazine of National Eye Health Week 2020
to develop a national data repository for community eye health services data in England,.
To improve public and healthcare professionals understanding of the importance of regular sight testing and the role that optometrists play in keeping Britain healthy